Weir design

We design inland hydrotechnical structures with supporting installations, such as locks, which enable sailing below the weir and the construction of fish ladders. Such structures are integrated with hydrological power plants, constitute parts of retention systems in water bodies and serve to impound water for devices in cooling systems of conventional energy plants.



usługi projektowe

Drawing up multi-sector project documentations and acquiring necessary permissions

We design facilities and technological installations associated with environmental protection, wastewater treatment plants, canalization, construction, CHP systems and energy efficiency. We develop functional and utility programs (PFU) and provide support during the tendering procedure. We support our clients as project supervisors during the investment process


Drawing up grant applications and feasibility studies

Our team has solid experience in gaining EU subsidies. Our key asset is detailed attention so that the project is in full compliance with the demands of funding contracts.


Ecokube sp. z o.o.

ul. Wólczańska 128/134

90-527 Łódź

tel. + 48 42 630 09 95